
group strategy 2035

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We are at the forefront of critical energy infrastructure projects

EPSOG map Lithuania

Historically dependent on energy imports, Lithuania is determined to move towards self-sufficient, sustainable and carbon-free energy & products exporting economy through the development of a resilient and carbon-neutral energy system.

This requires us to update existing transmission infrastructure, energy system operations and exchanges.

Leadership, ownership of the transformation, and expertise will fuel the delivery of the challenge. With this mindset we focus on adaptability, flexibility to seize opportunities, openness to strategic partnerships and cross-sectoral integration, which allows for strengthening the capital base and exploiting synergies for the successful implementation of our renewed strategy.

EPSOG We exist

We exist


To power a confident
and green future in an ever-changing world

EPSOG We seek

We seek


To enable the transformation of the energy industry while simultaneously safeguarding national security interests

EPSOG Our action now

Our action now


To accelerate energy independenceand enhance system security

Our three fundamental commitments

Driver of tomorrow‘s

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We see the transformation of theenergy sector as a fundamental change. Our goal is to provide the infrastructure upon which the net-zero energy system willbe based.

Provider of security
and reliability

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We aim to enhance security and reliability within and beyond the energy sector, strengthening national and regional security. Our work is essential for a reliable future.

Vital and skilled
strategic partner

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Energy transition requires a systemic and close cooperation of various industry peers, investors and governments. Our goal is to be a vital partner in developing low-carbon infrastructure and markets.

Our key guiding principles and sustainability targets for creating positive impact

sustainability targets

Building a stronger organisation for our people


Lithuania's energy future is driven by people with unified values​
Open |  Reliable |  Responsible

Building a unified Group culture and identity
Employer of choice
Ensure development and growth of our people

Our CAPEX investment ambition


Adjusted EBITDA

New investments are expected to result in a 5-fold increase in adj. EBITDA by 2035


Describing 2035 Success:
Value proposition for our stakeholders

13.4 GW

Renewables capacity connected to electricity network

15.7 GW

Capacity of flexible
resources and interconnectors

1.6 Mt

International CO2 transmission capacity

26 TWh

International H2 transmission capacity

-50 %

GHG gas emission (Scope 1 and 2) reduction by 2030, reaching net-zero by 2050

Take your part in new energy journey
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